
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Figuring it all out...

This is my art room, where, as per the 1st photo below the sun is always shining, no matter the weather outside (which can be very snowy in the winter). On a recent cold gloomy day, I painted the sun on my shade that you see below (and then asked permission).
As for the photo of my art room door - it relates to my basic art room rule: NO WHINING. Complaining is not tolerated in a happy art room! The other two photos are large pieces that have been residing in my art room for a long time, both made with plaster bandage. The mummy's hieroglyphics spell its name, Professor Paw, based on our school mascot. The body was a cast of a 6th grader several years ago.
And by the way, about my blog name, YES, there is a large dragon residing in my art room. I'll explain more about her (her name is Lucy, for Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds) some other time.

It's evening and I'm still trying to figure out my way around in the blog world. I have a student teacher currently, so while she was teaching earlier today I had a little time to spend with the computer tech gal here at school to get me started developing this blog, but I've got a ways to go. If you check back in coming days/weeks, hopefully my heading etc will look more high-tech (I know, my photo doesn't currently even fit the format. It's pitiful so far). Hopefully, when my 21-year-old son is home from college in a few days, I can get him to sit down with me and help with the web & computer graphic stuff I don't understand before he packs his bags and heads to South Africa for the summer. After all, unlike those of you who are in the beginning of your career and the technology has been a natural part of your existence, I've been teaching over 30 years, and this is all alien to me. But I love reading your blogs and hope you'll put up with my shaky start and maybe even offer help or advice.


  1. Congrats! Is'nt it fun to get your first follower! I was glad it was me! Thank you for including my post on your blog. I am new blogger and wanting to share ideas a big thanks! There is a nice setting under your blog followings that allow you to have a photo of the last entered image from that site. I love that feature because you can see a quick snip of a project they offer- you whether to check it out!
    Did you see my dragonflies? They are fun. I will also add you to my list as soon as you are ready with more stuff. Just let me know!
    good luck and I love the fish!

  2. Lori, thanks! I did see your dragonflies (cute) but it was your GORGEOUS elephants that really blew me away. I will look for that gadget you mentioned (I'm so clueless)
    Meanwhile, my comments/postings are not showing up under my first posting and I can't figure out why...
    Anyhow, keep checking back because I'm going to really work on getting this moving.


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