
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Another glimpse at a snowy winter

I thought I'd take a moment and share a few more photos from our recent snows.
My house, yet again...
 Below (and at the top of the post) are a few scenes from a local park just before dusk.
 And a few images I found interesting while strolling around Lake George during Winter Carnival weekend.  I'd show you photos of the zillion snowmobiles racing on the frozen lake, but the sky was overcast and it wasn't that photogenic!  That's me, of course, on the ice bench.
And then there was the 'night of the crows', which at the time was so gloriously creepy it seemed like it was a scene straight out of Alfred Hitchcock's 'The Birds'. (Except I didn't get attacked.) There are NO leaves on these trees; those are all crows.  The next day there was an article in the local paper about the sightings of massive flocks of crows around some neighborhoods!  Let me tell you, it has to be something really crazy to get me outside in fingerless gloves taking photos on a cold and snowy night, especially after just returning home from a lovely dinner out celebrating our anniversary.
 And I swear, I shot this photo below in the mall parking lot.  Quite the snow pile!
And a visit to our camp yesterday...
  Look at all the deer tracks in the snow!  They were everywhere!!!
 Dr. Zhivago-esque icicles hung from every side of the camp. 
  Hubby can't wait till spring to try out the newly repaired rowboat he bought!
Time to go home.  Love this pristine hill, by our camp road.
On the main road near our camp, I have passed this house below so many times.  Finally, I got my husband to stop the car briefly so I could take a snap!  Isn't it cute?
 Tomorrow forecast is for rain, and then some warmer weather, so maybe this is almost the end of snow photos this year?  Though we did get another fresh inch or two again today, while I was at the movies with some teacher retiree friends.  Fittingly for the season, we saw Winter's Tale, which we enjoyed despite harsh reviews. 


  1. You have the most beautiful ice world!! :)

    1. Thank you! I figure since we choose to live here, we'd better learn to enjoy it, at least a little.

  2. Your photos are amazing dispite the cold weather! Thank you!

    1. Thanks so much! Thankful goodness I didn't kill my Nikon when I fell into a snowdrift! I couldn't get inside fast enough to dry the poor camera off!

  3. Brrrrrr!! Hope you enjoy the "warmer" weather, but I think I heard on the weather report that you have more VERY cold weather heading your way the end of next week!!

    1. Depends what you consider 'very' I guess! It's warming up this week, maybe into the 40's, and then I guess back into the teens and single digits overnight by the weekend. Hey, it's still winter.... It makes us appreciate the springtime even more!

  4. We have had 75 inches here in Northwest Ohio. We are about to break a all time snow record! I have been enjoying these crazy days and the beautiful snow too! Today is our big melt. Major flooding will take place this evening. It has been one crazy ride. Love the photos! P.S.The deer have been walking through our front yard and looking for anything they can get a hold of too.

    1. 75 inches - yikes! I don't know our total snowfall, but I know it is a lot worse elsewhere. Actually it reminds me of winter from when I was a kid.

  5. Love the "crows" pictures. It happpened in our garden too. Amazing and a bit eerie.

    1. Cool photo! Thank you for sharing it with me.


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