
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Changing seasons and more work avoidance...

I have a lot of work to do; all my averages need to be completed for my 6th graders, my classroom is a mess, and I am in a funk this afternoon. So I'm taking a brief break to do this posting and then it's back to getting the job done.
I don't have any beautiful artwork to post today, but I thought I'd show you my school, which I think is pretty nice, especially this green time of year.
The views above are the front of my school, after all the kids had gone home yesterday. (I was here LATE, as I seem to be a lot lately.) Isn't it pretty? The grounds are very well cared for.

But below are some views of my school at a different time of the year that I thought I'd post for those of you who are in the south. The first two are views of the back of the school, the next photo is taken in the same location looking in the other direction (there's a hill beyond the stand of trees and then a road), and the last photo, of the playground and the woods beyond, was taken out my 2nd floor classroom window, all on the same very snowy day. Seems like a million years ago!

Now it's back to the gradebook..... I'm ready to work!


  1. dewd. seeing that much snow makes me freak out. I'm waaay too much a swamp blossom to endure. I'm in awe of your stamina!

  2. Think of it this way: we don't have hurricanes; tornados or flooding are rare, and the roads are plowed. Our maple trees in autumn are magnificent and vibrant in color. We get to shop for cuddly scarves and soft cozy sweaters. We know how to deal with our snow and how to drive in it (I swear by my Subaru Outback). While I do not ski, snowboard, or snowmobile, those are very big here. I prefer to stay inside and play with artsy craftsy stuff.


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