
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sunday Comic #7 and random extras

My son got me the best holiday gift! I love Scrabble, Boggle, Upwards, and similar games using letter tiles to form words. My new game, being guarded by our sweet cat Isis, is Bananagrams. It took only a minute or two for everyone to catch on, and it is quick and fun. A Scrabble game can linger for hours, but a round of Bananagrams will be completed quickly. It's a great game, and I highly recommend it. Thanks, Ben! You know me so well...

Now here's today's comic:

Another thing - perhaps you can help?:
If you read my blog regularly, and wonder why I keep changing my "this is me" blog photo, let me explain my frustration. I'm not one to like large photos of myself; I prefer to be on the other side of the camera, and I'm sort of embarrassed by the giant photo of me on the blog. I'd rather not have my giant photo plastered all over cyberspace, and I'd rather the focus of the blog be my students' artwork.

But I don't want to eliminate the photo completely, because once when I did, someone assumed I was male. So why can't I get the photo to show up SMALL??!! I feel like I have tried everything. For example, this most recent image is cropped from a much larger image. Then I reduced it in size, again, and again, and again - by increasingly large percentages. But it still shows up BIG on my blog. Can anyone tell me why?
OOH - I just found these photos I never posted, of a fun holiday project. We didn't have much time, so they were really rushed and I think could be much better, but the kids were happy with them. I am anti-glitter, but I do allow glitter-glue and the kids were thrilled to use it to add some sparkle.
Stuff a paper bag, staple it shut, add a construction paper roof, and then have fun! We've used colored bags, white bags, and brown bags to make gingerbread houses with "candy" trim. With limited time, we used teeny bags, and I let the kids decide totally how to decorate them.


  1. Well you know I'm new... so I'm not sure if I know too much... but when you click on your photo in the draft.. do you have the option to make your photo small, medium, large or x-large? That's how I size mine... hope that helps!

  2. Thanks, Hannah for trying. Yes, you have that size option when you post, and you can even pull corners to adjust a size, but this is in a gadget, and there is no such option offered or available that I can see.

  3. Phyl, I am not an expert at these things, but my photo is very little on my blog. It is the photo used for as my initial profile. It shows up when I follow people. I never uploaded a new photo, I think I just allowed my blog to show my profile info. Does that make any sense?

  4. Go to add gadget and add profile instead of a picture?

  5. Hi Phyl - This has nothing to do with this particular post, but I remember you talking about a cardboard sculpture you do with maybe 1st or 2nd grade...would you refresh my memory??? Thanks! Hope you are enjoying vacation! Not too much snow where I am in NJ!

  6. Susan, aah, those abstract cardboard sculptures are an all-time FAVORITE annual project, which I will be doing probably late January, and will post in detail then. But in the meantime: cut up cardboard shipping boxes: 4"x6" for the base works great, and hack the rest into small triangles, rectangles, and oblique shapes of all sorts. Use Elmer's Glue-All (do NOT use Elmer's School Glue - it will not hold properly). Put a quarter size blob of glue on the base, and use a pop stick as a "glue paintbrush" to scoop the glue and paint it on the piece you want to attach. Hold and count... I do this w/1st graders and the abstract sculptures get quite high in 2 classes of building. Then we paint!

  7. Yeah! I have substantially shrunk myself this time! Obviously the photo isn't recent, since I'm outside in short sleeves and the world looks green. Not like today... brrrr...


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