
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Self-Portraits, by awesome 3rd graders!

The kids have been working so hard on these self-portraits, trying to match their face, hair, lip and skin colors, after doing their pencil drawings. Then today we assembled the mirrors, and my 3rd graders are SO proud!
There are some kids still finishing up, but I couldn't wait to show you those that were complete. The metallic "mirrors" didn't photograph too well, but hopefully you get the idea.

I wish I could show you the mirrors NEXT to their real faces, but... not such a good idea I guess. All I can tell you is - they've done a FABULOUS job!


  1. Wow, They are wonderful and I'm sure they will hang proudly in their houses for a long time! Don't know the kids but feel like they capture them.

  2. Great portraits Phyl, and the kids surely have reason to be proud of their artworks!

  3. These are so great! They all have such character to them. I love the mirror idea as well.

  4. Your mirror idea is great. I have a whole role of mylar that I could put to good use in this way. Thanks, again!!

  5. Love this idea! I have a ton of mirror like paper. Can't wait to try these!: )

  6. love this you have an e-mail sign up...hard to keep up with blogs////

    will post you in my blog.

    I am an art teacher in DC.......

  7. No, I don't even know how to do an email sign-up. But I know what you mean. The more blogs I read, the more I like; the more I like, the more I follow. I usually scroll through my dashboard to find what interests me most.

    I am planning to change out some of the blogs on my blogroll though, because some new favorites aren't there yet. Maybe if I add some new ones it will help newer bloggers get readers. That's how I found most of the blogs I read, so I guess it's a good idea, but I don't know which ones to remove! I like them all!

  8. These are absolutely lovely! My third graders are my favorite. I may try this with my little lambs. So cute.

  9. I love these. You have wonderful, refreshing Ideas.

  10. Thanks everyone. These kids were my faves as 2nd graders, and now this year as 3rd. I know we're supposed to love 'em all equally, but there's always those special groups, aren't there?


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