
Monday, February 14, 2011

Book give-away!

About a week & 1/2 ago I hit the big number of 15o followers (and now, just a few days later, I've got 164 - Yikes!). Anyhow, to celebrate I said I wanted to do some sort of give-away, and that's what this post is about.
For my readers who've been following the longest, you know I've been teaching a long time and expect to retire probably June 2012. And I've written that I wonder what I'm going to do with all my "stuff", as I definitely am an art room hoarder. So I've begun to look at what I have, and what I actually use currently or will use, and what I won't or will want to part with. It's going to be tough. I want to get streamline a little at a time.
I've started with the books, and picked out two that I'm sure someone will want more than me. The first is an adorable Keith Haring book, I wish I didn't have to sleep. It's a terrific book, just gently used, but somehow I never have been able to do a good job teaching Keith Haring and making the connection for kids. I know someone else will do better, and they 'll enjoy using this very creative book.
The second book, The Blue Day Book, is a sweet book, and a great teaching tool for Picasso's blue period and monochromatic color, but for some reason I never remember to use it until too late. I want to pass it on.
SO - if you want to be entered in a drawing for one of these 2 books, leave a comment as to which book you'd prefer by the end of this Friday (the 18th), and a way to contact you if you win (an email address). I'll admit I don't know how to do one of those "random number generator" things that a lot of bloggers use for giveaways, and I don't care to figure it out. I'll just put all the names in a bag and have my totally impartial hubby pull the winners. I'll announce the winners on Saturday!
Thanks for reading my crazy blog.......


  1. This past fall I was hoping I could have a 100 followers by I've got 182! NUTTY! Blogs rock! We're blessed to be connected.

  2. Please enter me into the drawing for the Keith Haring book!

  3. I don't have either book, so I'd be happy to win whichever one you choose to give me. Thanks for the giveaway, and congrats on reaching 164. That's awesome.

  4. Congratulations on the 164!! I'll leave the books for someone who is teaching full time, although they both sound good. Thanks for offering -- it is a good way to start thinning out early!

  5. Happy Day... Although after teaching 12, yes 12 classes hopped up on sugar and chocolate I'm just glad I survived!

  6. I just found out about the big art-teacher blog community. And when more people follow, they see you on other followers lists and and you I think.

    I'm currently at 6 followers. So 164 seems a looooooooooooong time from now (if I ever get them).

    I guess you will miss teachingn when you stop. I'm currently on maternity leave and although I love my baby boy and wouldn't want to miss him a single day, I miss my art-class and the children over there too.

    Nice of you to give away the books!

  7. What a nice action Phyl! Blogging is a kind of addict ;) Each morning looking to all new blog posts is the first thing I do. And counting followers of course.
    Unfortunately my Dutch blog has a lot less followers than the English one.
    I'd be very happy to win one of your books!

  8. Phyl, I know want you mean about followers! I am delighted with how much we can share! I agree with Jacquelien, a nice cup of coffee and off I read updated blogs, pretty fun! I am glad to see you are at 164! You go girl! :) Thanks for the giveaway! Either would be great! Paintedpaper@bex,net

  9. It is fun to look at the blogs in the morning. Congratulations on reaching more than 160 followers! Either book looks like a great prize. Thank you for having a giveaway!

  10. At the NYSATA Conference you introduced me to World of Blogs, and I figured out to be a follower, after you hit 150. I love reading the blogs every couple days. Thank You!! I am thinking of starting my own, our tech person wants me to do it with my school website. Please enter me for the Keith Haring Book. Thank You for everything!!!

  11. Wow! 164 That's fantastic! Please enter me for the Keith Haring Book. Thanks!

  12. Phyl,
    Congrats to you! What a great idea to start getting rid of some of your things! I LOVE books and would so appreciate either one! Thanks for all your wonderful blogging. You are an inspiration!

  13. Hi Phyl, I love looking at your blog, and thanks for posting on mine! It's funny how the wonderful world of blogs brings us art teachers together! I would be delighted to be entered for the keith haring book as he is one of my favorites to teach. Kids really respond to his cartoon/graffiti style and bold colors.
    happy belated valentine's day!

  14. I always love to see what's up in Phyl's world. I have learned quite a bit from your approach to teaching and have had great success with both your toothpaste and lotion batiks and Matisse Goldfish lessons. That is a tough call between the 2 books. I think I'll throw my name into The Blue Day Book drawing. Thanks for the opportunity!

  15. Toothpaste and lotion batik?? I must have missed that one!!!

    The Keith Haring book is FABULOUS and currently out of print, so that is a great giveaway!!

    Congrats on 164. :)

  16. I would LOVE the Keith Haring book! I teach K-5 Art and enjoy sharing Haring with every grade level. Also, what a great idea to pare down your collection. Congrats on retiring soon :)


  17. Hi Phyl,
    Please put me in the drawing for the Keith Haring book. I have been teaching my 5th graders about him this year. It worked well with figure drawing.
    Everything was going well until one of my students told me she saw a documentary about him. I was glad she was interested, but I thought..uh oh! She started to tell me about the bath houses...and I stopped her there! So needless to say, I could use wholesome kid friendly Haring resources :)

  18. I love your blog, Phil. I was hoping to do a Keith Haring activity soon! Please sign me up for the drawing for the Keith Haring book:).I"m a new teacher and love aquiring new and exciting books to integrate to lessons! Congratulations!

  19. Yours was one of the first blogs I followed. I think I'd love to see the Picasso book because it's one book I haven't encountered! Thanks for keeping the ideas flowing and sharing. I did your Matisse project and Word Project before maternity leave and they were huge hits. It's cool when our projects reach kids across all state/country/age/social lines! The results of the Words that describe themselves were so interesting that the kids begged me to photograph theirs to send to you. I told them about you (my art teacher friend in New York) When I return I will because you will get a kick out of some of them! Thanks for blogging!

  20. Congrats on 164, Phyl! I love your blog and I always love the comments you leave on mine! I know you will miss teaching art and I hope you don't stop blogging about your own art adventures that you will have!

  21. I just realized I wasn't a "follower" even though I read your blog alot and have it linked on mine, so, happy 165!!

  22. Phyll... you are amazing! Thanks for the giveaway! I love reading your adventures that are so close to mine. It was so nice meeting you at NYSATA in Rochester this year! I love Keith Haring and would love that book!!!

  23. I just passed 100. It took forever to get past 60 or so then it rocketed. I wonder what has happened recently.

    I know your colleagues will be unhappy to hear you will retire in a year. How exciting for you! I have at least 3 more to go.

    I'm entering your book drawing. What great titles! I don't have either.

  24. Congratulations!! It's hard not to keep up with your blog because of all the fabulous ideas!

    Would love the "Blue" book :).

  25. I so enjoy you blog and would enjoy either..Hope you continue to Blog after retirement.

  26. Oh my gosh I love Keith Haring! He was born and raised in Kutztown, PA, where I went to college, and there was a mini-shrine for him at Kutztown Middle School, where my church rented a space to worship on Sunday mornings. I would really love "I wish I didn't have to sleep!" That's actually how I feel lately! :)
    I love your blog, no wonder so many people follow it! :)

  27. Kieth Haring! I've always wanted to teach a Kieth Haring lesson but haven't found a good lesson yet. That book looks like a gem for art teachers!

  28. I would love to be in the drawing for the Keith Haring book!

    If you just go to you can type in the amount of entries you get total for a giveaway. Then, it will generate a number for you, like 6. The 6th person to enter is the winner. It's really easy. Good luck however you do it.


  29. Charlene

  30. I'd love the Keith Haring school district is planning to cut elementary art after next school year, but I've been collecting projects from your blog this year anyway...I love them and hopefully can still incorporate some art into the regular classroom if I can get a job. You can reach me at Thanks! Lynna Kirkpatrick

  31. I do a Keith Haring lesson every year with my fourth graders... so that would be the one I'd be most interested in. :)

    Janet in NJ

  32. Okay so I see I am too late but I'll keep a closer watch for next time.I would love either one but especially the Picasso as we are just starting monochromatic weavngs (saw on ???another blog) Not only will your students miss you but us art teachers too! Hopefully you'll stay in the blogging world.


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