
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cerealism! (no that's not a spelling error)

Do you secretly have a favorite bunch of kids? (Shhh, don't tell anybody, but I'm just NUTS about my 3rd graders. They have personality plus!) Anyhow, these kids learned about Surrealism, they learned about Picasso and Cubism, they've learned about Pop Art, and then they learned about Michael Albert, pop artist who couldn't bear to throw away a Frosted Flakes box, so he cut and collaged it. And after making a cubist looking collage piece of pop art, he then coined the term "Cerealism"!

So my 3rd graders had a fabulous time creating with cut up cereal boxes. Some made images, some found words, and everyone had fun.

When the bulletin board went up in the hall, the older kid kids came by and made jokes about us being a bunch of "cereal killers" in the art room. Ha ha ha!!


  1. I've been saving my boxes for months! Can't wait to do a cerealism project. I only eat healthy cereal so I might have to solicit help for some better boxes!

  2. LOVE this! We use cereal boxes galore--love the colors and graphics on them. Awesome project!

  3. How funny! We made cereal box assemblages last night. I just posted them. I had a couple of boxes left over. I think cerealism will be added to my curriculum!

  4. Hi Phyl! Cerealism! HA! I have not heard of it put that way! I LOVE it! Thanks also for giving me the link to the artist. I just love your blog!



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