
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Random views from an art show

On the left, Erica (my grade 7-12 counterpart), me, and the marker-cap sign; and on the right, my delightful 5th grade helpers, Kylie, Delilah, and Kylee (and Brooke, missing from the photo). Interesting tidbit- I've been teaching SO long that I taught both of the parents of two of these gals, for at least a couple of years.

3rd grade (left) and high school Studio in Art (right) self portraits!

High school still life drawings, 2nd grade fish, & Jack and his ice cream cone.

3rd grade masks, 1st grade ice cream paintings

The cones are under flying pigs to keep kids from running/crawling underneath them.

Dancers and tooling foil masks, both 6th grade.

By the way, aren't our display flats AWESOME? They are 8' long and were built especially for us by our technology teacher and his pre-voc class. There hadn't been an art show for several years, due to the lack of a practical way to display. But this year, with the new secondary art teacher, the timing seemed right to push for new displays, and they built us 10 of these flats. They are fantastically easy to staple on, and are sturdy and manageable.


  1. Terrific show!! Where do you store your display flats?

  2. Lovely, I wish I could come and visit to see up close :)


  3. Inspiring!!! Love your new boards they will serve the school well for years and years in all types of functions.

  4. Beautiful display of all the great artwork.
    Congratulations to you and your talented young students.

  5. Thanks, ladies! Christie, The flats will be stored in our storage shed (where they keep the snow plow and other seasonal stuff) or in the maintenance storage room. Our wonderful custodial staff took care of whisking them away for us after the show was taken down - thank goodness, because I was so tired I don't think I could have moved them one inch. They actually can stand very close to each other (I was worried we'd have to take off the bases, but we don't) so they don't take up too much room.

    If I haven't said it before, my school district has been VERY supportive of the visual arts, in particular the superintendent and members of the BOE. We are very lucky - cuts to the arts have never been considered.

  6. Isn't this the best time of year? Seeing all the beautiful and creative art is surely an uplifting experience for all. Congratulations to you and your students!

  7. congrats on a beautiful show! and I have to say I am truly jealous of those flats....I'll be making tape rolls in a few weeks!

  8. Great Show and I LOVE your Blog!

  9. Beautiful! I am SO jealous of the flats! Our district has nothing but walls.... which make it very hard to hang several things on. This was the very first year we even had an art show as far as grades 5 - 12!! And it was very small and coincided with the drama play. Hopefully that will change, though, sooner rather than later!

  10. Hannah & Stephanie, don't be too jealous! I waited 11 years for these flats, so keep the faith!! I've rolled lots of masking tape in my past...

  11. Looks amazing! Congrats to you and your artists :)


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