
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Late Breaking News! Idea Redeemed!!!

(That's my son giving the thumbs-up after completing the world's highest commercial bungee off the Bloukrans Bridge in South Africa last summer. The photo is in the correct direction even though it looks sideways. He is being hauled back up after the jump.) For those of you who need a little perspective, below is the Bloukrans Bridge. Yikes. The bungee jump is right from the middle. Egads!

Why the thumbs-up? Because after my last post, bemoaning the lack of internet to present a workshop on blogging at my state conference, I emailed the workshop coordinator. She already emailed me back (thanks!) and there will be internet access arranged for in a couple of rooms, so I can present the workshop after all. YEAH!!!

What have I gotten myself into? I'll be teaching a 2-hour hands-on workshop and a 1-hour blogging workshop, hopefully one right after the other. My idea is to get it all done, breathe a sigh of relief, and then just have fun for the rest of the day. Am I crazy? Will I have time to go to the bathroom? I guess I figure these two things:
  1. I'll probably retire in year so there's only so it's time to give back to other art teachers rather than get new ideas for myself, and
  2. I've attended some less-than-adequate workshops in past years (and some wonderful ones). I do not like having my time wasted, and know I'll give the best workshop that I can. Hopefully nobody will be disappointed.


  1. SUPER!!!!! Glad you good get what you needed!

  2. YES! Can I come? Just kidding too far. Great pic!!! I love rock climbing. . . .did it as a sport in high school but since then not so much. Totally an inspiring picture! That rock looks like fun.

  3. But he's going in the wrong direction. . . jumping off instead of climbing up! It looks like the rock is right there! That looks so crazy! You must be on the edge of your seat with that one wondering what he'll be up to next. Hopefully he doesn't tell you BEFORE he does dangerous stuff:)

  4. Erica, it's 216 meters, a little nuts for climbing I'd say. It was the one thing I asked him NOT to do when I knew he was traveling (on his own for a week!) on a backpackers' bus along the southern coastline. He's so skinny I pictured him snapping like a twig. So he didn't tell us until afterward; he said it was very smooth sailing; no big jerking motions - maybe because he's such a lightweight. He went w/a couple of Australian guys he met on the way. You may notice he's barefoot - this is not a time you want your shoes to fall off; how would you retrieve them?

  5. If you're into the bungee thing, google "Bloukrans Bridge bungee". Amazing pics and videos.

  6. I love reading everything on your site, so I know that you'll do fine at the conference. Congrats on such a fun opportunity! I understand the nerves though...I am presenting at a School Leadership Conference in Salt Lake City in 2 weeks and just found out that I'm a featured session. Which sounds great, but makes me doubt whether what I have to present on arts integration is really what school leaders want to hear. Best of luck to you!

  7. Congrats on the workshop Phyl! I have no doubts that all will come away pleased with your information. What an incredible frozen moment of your son! He will cherish that trip forever. :)

  8. He's a smart kid not to tell his mom before! My hubby Nick is Italian so he has no choice but to tell his mom everything:) It's in his genes. She worries so much about him! This would've given her a heart attack! Even after the fact. You're a chill mom. That's totally insane. I guess giving a conference won't be so scary if you think of standing in front of your colleagues or jumping off that bridge.

  9. No. I'm SO not chill. I was a wreck for the whole week he was traveling - ALONE - thousands of miles from home - with no ability to reach me by phone, and no internet access to Skype or email that week. I worried he would lose all his money, or his passport, or his expensive camera, worse yet, simply never be heard from again. I heaved a great sigh of relief a week later when he was able to send an email that he had arrived at my husband's nephew's home before heading on safari. In the end, I totally trust him, and he had a marvelous safe experience but I will always still worry.

  10. Phyl! I'm sooo excited. I had no idea you were doing this. I submitted my proposal for the Georgia Art Education Association Conference last week. . . And I'm doing a workshop about creating collaborative online communities (blogs, wikis and a touch of website design etc.)!

    How funny!

    Do you want to email and share some ideas and/or maybe collaborate on something to demonstrate the capacity for creation on the internet? I'd love the opportunity to bounce my ideas of someone else. . .And, you're the best!

    I'm so excited that you'll have access to internet at your conference!

    Oh, and I think my baby brother and your son would be kindred spirits! I've got some picture of him pre and post bungee jump from New Zealand. I was helping him make his resume the other day and we realized he has visited 5 out of the 7 continents! Congrats to your son for looking so "calm" post jump! WOWZA!


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