
Monday, August 1, 2011

Beautiful Beads!

I've been making jewelry again. This time, the inspiration was the coolest beads. They are a glass bead, coated with a silver-like paint and embedded with chips of colored glass. Instant bead love. But what to do with them?

I found in my bead stash, a bunch of oddball glass beads that matched the chips, and then I found that I had these iridescent red glass beads that I bought on a whim without a plan. None of my silver bead matched the silver color that coated the beads with the colored chips, but I found some clear rectangular bead that would work. On the right below is the finished necklace.
I love the necklace and those funky sparkly colorful beads so much I am keeping it for myself. I think the necklace looks like a party! Now I just need a simple white tunic sweater to really show it off, and a good place to wear it!

And while I was at it I made this fun set as well:


  1. Oooh! I wish I could buy one or both! You make beautiful jewelry Phyl!

  2. These are gorgeous!!! I am totally drooling over the combination of the blue, black and brown. I thought i had every color combo. . . I have a huge necklace collection and scarf collection but I will be looking for this now!

  3. Thanks ladies. Erica, the photo just doesn't do those beads justice. I couldn't get the color right. The turquoise is such a rich color, an the browns are more of a brick reddish brown, and a lighter value almost a mauve. Some of the small round beads are a stripe of turquoise, a sea green, a camel tan, black, and more. Such great beads.

  4. Phyl, Great job! I especially love the blue/black necklace and spiral earrings!

  5. Ooooh, I love the necklace with the red beads! jan

  6. Thanks, Jan, glad you like it but sorry you can't have it! It's all MINE! :-)

  7. :) Those are awesome Phyl! Ya know..I was thinking(dangerous I know!) should come visit Nashville for a week! You could hit a ton of art rooms in a short period of time! :)


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