
Monday, August 15, 2011

Macro Momma's Mystery Pics

1 2
Can you ID these pics? Hint: they were all taken while on vacation at the coast of Maine, frequently using the macro capabilities of my little digital camera. Answers below the last pic!
3 4
5 6
7 8

1. rosehips
2. moss / seaweed
3. barnacles on a rock
4. seaweed bladder on rock
5. some sort of barnacles on seaweed on a white rock
6. design drawn on beach sand (by a kid)
7. another rosehips
8. more moss/seaweedy stuff
9. no, not jellyfish or octopus. Just another rosehips.

OK, I'll admit it; I posted this silly stuff to keep me from telling you all how ANGRY I am because of something school-related that I know I shouldn't/can't post here. Let it suffice for me to say, with barely 3 weeks till school starts, my classroom is... uh... not ready and I can't show you the bulletin boards because I cannot hang them up yet.


  1. I went in yesterday to do my annual closet cleaning. Nick was all set to watch Stella for today again so i could ser rhe room up to find that they are waxing Floors still and I can't get in my wing! Now I have to pay a babysitter and take a voluntary paycut this year for furloughs and there is no money in the budget for supplies? My principal is pulling enough money for about $2 per kid... Still will be using a lot of my own ( but that's just me. ) sorry for venting! I'm as annoyed as you are!

  2. But as we always say "we have a job" ! Which is good enough for me right now!

  3. Yes we do have jobs, and I admit, I do have a budget for materials and supplies (though I still often spend my own $$ too, as do most art teachers, I think). What really upset me yesterday, more than anything, was not that my room was not ready, but more that I was treated rudely by the head of maintenance, both verbally and via email.

  4. Phyl! I'm so sorry you're having a rocky start. I had some issues getting into my room as well this year, but it all worked out. I, too, had some janitorial issues (a LOT of that is not how the last art teacher did it!). I finally had to point out that the last art teacher was fired, so we may not want to use him/her as a model. I hope it all works out for you!

    Oooh. I love the macro shots. Honestly, though, the barnacles creep me out! I have no idea, but they just make my skin shiver up close. I had to google and read up about those creatures and now I'm even more horrified. All non-mammal sea creatures completely freak me out (you should see my mix of delight and terror at the beach). I will not be getting near these dewds anytime soon! lol!

  5. Ha ha Amy. You have to remember those barnacles are no bigger than 1/4" in size, actually smaller. Hard to be TOO scared of something that teensy!

    As for my room, the big issue was not so much the room itself, which I understand will be ready in a couple of days, but was the uncalled for and unexpected rude treatment of me by a staff member.

  6. Sorry that you went back to that. I do love close ups and I totally understand what you're saying Amy!

  7. I went in to my room last week and found that it is filled with everyone's boxes of orders. It has been used as a storage area due to summer school for special ed there. also, everyone had their Epson projectors installed except mine. I was so bummed to not be able to get in to start organizing! I was told I could come in the last week of August and it would be cleared out and ready. I totally understand your pain! I hope you kept the email... If it isn't resolved, maybe your union rep should get involved. Enjoy what little we have left of summer!

  8. I feel your pain Phyl. My students come to school Aug. 25th. My room was just ready on the 17th. I couldn't get in there to work because of staff development meetings and then today I couldn't get in there because of off campus staff development meetings. Hopefully Fri. I can get started, but there is so much to do before I even think about bulletin boards. Open house is next Tues. With the school being open Sat. from 7am-8pm I guess that is where I will be this weekend. Ugh.

  9. Oh dear. I didn't really intend for anyone to feel sorry for me!
    We are REQUIRED to spend 5 hours in our classroom prior to the start of school, which is so funny, because what art teacher only spends 5 hours getting her room ready?! Ha ha ha ha ha. I still have 2 more weeks, so it won't be a problem.
    Supposedly my room is now ready, but mostly it was the personal attack that got me upset. I'll get over it!

    We've had a drop in enrollment, so the district cut some staff, BUT we ALSO cut a custodian, which makes NO sense since the building didn't shrink with the enrollment. So these guys (and one gal) are understaffed and overworked for sure.

  10. Dear Phyl,
    I feel your pain as concerns rude treatment by maintenance personnel as I have worked in buildings with some pretty grumpy custodians. Fortunately,I added a new school to my roster this year,(I now travel to three buildings)and to my utter delight, the head custodian, affectionately called ,"Mr. Bob", by one and all, has been an absolute delight! He has bent over backwards to help me get a previously 1st grade room turned into an art room with great success. In 35 years of teaching I have never met a custodian like Bob who is funny, charming and ever so helpful. His wife is a lucky woman! I hope your issues get resolved to your satisfaction SOON! On a yuckier note, I got some splinters removed at the "DOC in a Box" after school that I got in my middle finger after readjusting some shelving in my new art room at my "home school". By the time I got to the Minor Med. place after school, the abcess was so bad my finger tip was the size of a walnut! I won't go into detail but the Doc said it was remarkably disgusting! Ha! Hope to post some artwork soon and pic's of my 2 rooms and my art cart at the third!

    :) Pat


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