
Monday, September 5, 2011

Chihuly inspired earrings & a new art room poster

In the waning days of vacation, instead of doing what I was supposed to be doing, I made myself some new earrings for my "back to school wardrobe". Even though they are opaque, these crazy earrings remind me of Chihuly.

And then I made these, too:
I think the black and white reversed pair is fun, and the spirals are lightweight and go with everything.

And then I made this poster for the art room:
I got the idea for this poster from another blogger last year, but I don't remember who, so if it was your fabulous idea, please let us all know! I started using this concept when making wampum belts with my 4th graders. They had gotten needy when it came to getting out tangles, and tying knots. Having them turn to their classmates for help rather than immediately tugging on me for help really was a lifesaver. Plus it gave them confidence about their ability to help each other. So this year it will be on the wall to use with every class, instead of just when I remember to tell the kids.


  1. Love your new back to school earrings. They will look great on you when you are teaching!

  2. Hi Phyl!
    I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your blog. I hope it's okay but I linked it from mine.
    I know you have seen mine and even left me a comment - thanks!

    I am trying to start an online learning community for art teachers
    by sharing lessons and having a discussion forum.

    Can you help me spread the word?
    I appreciate your support.


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