
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Fellow Bloggers attending the NAEA Convention!

So it appears there are many of you attending the convention, and I think it would be a shame if we didn't get to meet each other in person. I've been thinking about how we can make that happen, in a huge sea of people and a zillion workshops and options for how to spend our days, especially when we may not recognize each other too easily.

The obvious way to stay in touch at the conference - cell phones. If you want, in the next few days, send me an EMAIL with your cell phone # and I'll reply with mine. You'll find my email address here at my profile.

However - and it's a BIG however - I have to admit that I'm having some problems with my phone, and it will be replacing the dinosaur in a couple of weeks when an old contract finally expires. I unfortunately can't make the fix before then. So - first of all - I do not have a text plan on this phone, so DON'T TEXT ME. I won't read them and I won't respond to them. Second of all - if you call and I don't answer, LEAVE A MESSAGE. My phone is having random sound problems and periodically the ring tone is silent. There is absolutely no pattern to the problem so I will just cross fingers that it will work. Third of all, it is not a smart phone, and I do not have the capability checking email, reading QR codes, etc, and I do not have an iPad.

I will bring my laptop with me - so I will certainly check my email at night but it will be unlikely throughout the day.

So the big question - do we want to organize some sort of bloggy meet-up? What are your thoughts? Getting together for a meal? A museum visit (since so many are offering free admission)? A stroll through the vendors? A drink or two in the evening? Do you want to wait until you are there and get the 'lay of the land' and then figure out what will be best? Let me know your thoughts. I'll be arriving Thursday, and going home Sunday, and I'm assuming something Friday or Saturday will be best?

I'm not too great about initiating phone calls, especially if I have to call a lot of you, but don't be afraid to leave me a comment on the blog or to call me at the conference. If you call me, I WILL call you back. BE SPECIFIC about what you think we should do, since I'm not good at making decisions!!!!!!!

And if you see me at the conference, stop and say hello please! (I think I do look like my profile pic, EXCEPT my hair is now about shoulder length.) To see what I look like right now - here I am yesterday with my (cute) son, standing on a rooftop in Boston.
I hope I get to meet you - I'm looking forward to it!


  1. :( OH....I so so wish I could be there to hang with you all. I hope you have an AMAZING TIME!! Lots of pics...lots of details about the workshops you go to. I WANT A PLAY BY PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ps..did you get my pic?

    1. Ted - haven't gotten it yet- hopefully tomorrow! I'll let you know. Now the cat is walking on my computer so I'd better post this before she erases it.

    2. That is crazy?!? I sent it Tues. Should only take 3 days?!? That will make me sad if you don't get it.

    3. Not yet.... hopefully Monday? Did you send it US mail?

    4. yes..but normally not an issue :(

    5. If she doesn't get it, could you scan it and email it?

    6. Ted - if I don't get it by Tuesday, definitely send it as an email attachment and I'll print a copy. If it shows up Wednesday, I'll just have an extra photo!

  2. Phyl if I get the OK from my Principal I would love to meet up for lunch and/or a visit to a museum! Keep your fingers crossed that I make it. I'm wondering also if I can't make it Thursday if you still have to pay the full registration? I'll be staying in Brooklyn if I go.
    Oh, thank you for the comment on my last blog post. My finger accidentally deleted it as opposed to publishing it on my iPhone!

  3. Hey! Friday night would work best for me.. although lunch anytime would probably work too. We should set something up and then if you want I can post on my blog too and we'll probably have a nice group of bloggers. Mr. E, I will be updating my blog every day from the conference with a play-by-play! And I will make sure to sign your picture!

    1. Thanks Marcia!!!! I appreciate it...look forward to your reporting!! :)

    2. Marcia - re: Friday night - what do we want to do? Meet for a meal? A drink? Meet at some hotel location and go from there? Email me w/cell phone # please and I'll email back with mine for you.

  4. Phyl, I'll be there Thursday - Sunday too! I am staying at the Hilton and would love to meet up for dinner or drink (or both). I present on Friday at 11am so anytime after that is good for me. I plan to go to the MOMA on Thursday to see Cindy Sherman and maybe the Whitney or other gallery sometime... I will email you my cell #. I had fun with you at the NYSATA conference. TOo bad Deb, Cindy and the others won't be there. Donnalyn will be and other NYSATA members too though!

    1. I haven't been to the Whitney in ages and ages - so I'd love to do that. Also - have you ever been to the Museum of Art & Design, up on Columbus Circle? It's small but really funky/fun.

  5. Hiya, I'm going Fri-Sun to the conference, maybe we could all meet up Friday night for dinner and a drink. If we meet up during the day or in the morning it might be really hard to coordinate anything because everyone may want to go to different workshops, plus the exhibit space will be enormous. Maybe we could all wear a red flower pin or something like that and meet at the registration desk or some specific place (lobby, elevator, etc.) around 5 p.m.?
    What does everyone think?

    1. Friday dinner is beginning to sound like a great idea - but I don't think I have a flower pin - 5:00 may be a touch early, as there are still some workshops I think, but let's see what others think. I'm definitely "in" on the Friday dinner idea. If you can email me with a phone # I can let you know where will be good to meet - or check the blog on Thursday night - I'll post something before bed. To email me, my email address is at my profile - I'll reply with my phone # too. Then I can always make some calls at the conference and say "hey, we're meeting at the escalator/elevator/bar/whatever looks best at such-and such time" or some such thing. I am rooming with another blogger so we can make a decision and get the info out somewhere. Phone #'s will definitely help.

  6. Cool I wonder if we could all plan to meet Friday night for dinner and a drink? I have a maroon flower pin, I hope I remember it. . . or we could all wear our hair in a side pony tail.

    1. You all should rock pony hawks to find each other!!! That would be awesome!

    2. Hmmmm oh dear I do not think I have a flower pin and cannot do a side pony. Hair isn't long enough on the side to reach around and besides - just not a good look for me.

  7. 3 suggestions
    1. We might want to consider coffee early, before workshops get started OR
    2. Is someone in this group presenting, where we could all meet at a presentation, then go out for coffee after that? I am presenting @ 12:00 on Thursday or Friday @ 11:00.
    3. Or, you might just want to set a time and place here and then go from there...
    Hope to get a chance to meet everyone!

    1. Susan, what are you presenting?

      If we want coffee (or tea, in my case, and some breakfast I suppose) early, how early would it need to begin w/workshops starting I think 8:00? I'm trying to remember the neighborhood - is there an easy place right nearby? It seems there must be.....

  8. Hi All,
    If you are going to be at the conference on Saturday, consider joining Tricia Fuglestad and I for our preso "There's an App for That": iPads in Art Education" (Saturday, March 3rd 5pm). Here is our website that features a bit of what we will share Looking forward to meeting so many wonderful art teachers!

  9. I am also going and will be there Thursday-Saturday!! I would love to meet up and meet some bloggers in person. I will be on my own and am happy to meet for whatever- coffee, lunch, etc.

    1. Rachel, how do I reach you at the conference? All these meetup plans are great, but until we are actually there, it's going to be really hard to do - so email me with a cell phone # and I'll email back with mine. You can find my email address at my profile. Looking forward to meeting you all!

  10. ****IDEA*****There's some sort of hat-making event Thursday evening - perhaps we can all try to find each other there, making silly hats to wear! Then it will be easier to plan for dinners or lunches or coffee etc.

  11. ARRGGGHHHHH! I feel like I'm outside the window looking in! I want you all to have a wonderful time together and I can't wait to see a group photo (as well as Ted's photo!)And Ted, what the heck is a "Pony Hawk"? LOL

    1. Pat...I would think you of all people would have already rocked a pony hawk! :) It kind of started several seasons ago on American Idol (here is a link that has a pic of a pony hawk... ( ) Basically it is pulling your hair to the center of your head and doing pony tails from front to back...making a pony mohawk.

  12. Sounds like a plan! I planned on going to the Thursday night event... it looks like fun! I'm all for a late dinner on Friday too. The Whitney has the Biennial! I also want to try to get to the Brooklyn Art Library to see the sketchbooks! We'll see how much time I can spare!

  13. I most likely won't be able to do dinner Friday night so I am selfishly recommending Friday lunch. :)
    But I can try to hit up the Thursday hat making as well.

  14. Replies
    1. I haven't even packed my clothes yet! I'm taking a break to watch Survivor. But you are on my packing list! You will be comfy in my laptop pocket, I promise!

    2. sounds nice and comfy! :) ha ha


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