
Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Creative Challenge

(random photo)

I have responded to a challenge posted on the blog Created 2B Creative, and part of the challenge is to continue it forward. Here's how it works.
  • I will create something (I don't know what yet!) for the first three people who say (in the comments below) they would like to participate.
  • If you say you would like to participate, you must issue the challenge somewhere (on your own blog, on facebook or twitter -- wherever you want) and personally make something in 2012 (don't wait too long and then forget - I actually would suggest you do it in the next month) for at least three people, who will pledge to make something for three more people . . .
  • If you're one of the first three respondents, send me your address in a private message (my email address is listed on my profile) so that I can mail you my creation -- no matter where in the world you live! :)
So, who's in?


  1. Phyl this sounds lovely but I suffer from lack of talentitis when it comes to creating grownup art. I never saved any thing for me in terms of time or energy, I gave it all to the kids. I figured when I retire, I'll take classes in the media I've always aspired to create in. I admire you for having the talent, time and desire to share your beautiful artwork with others and I look forward to your posts about this challenge.


  2. Sounds fun Not sure how it all works. I did read everything. But still lost.

    1. Simple. If you send me your mailing address, you are IN. I will,sometime in the next month or two, send you something creative I have made. Don't worry, I won't send you a necklace or pair of earrings - though I might send that to a female participant. Maybe it will be a little painting, a crafty thing that I have made, a photograph, a puppet - who knows? Using your own creativity is the only rule! Meanwhile, while you await a 'treasure' in the mail from me, you post on your blog the same exact thing I posted. When you get participants, you make 'something' creative (no parameters at all) to mail to the first three people to respond to you w/their mailing address. Whatever your 'thing' is! It's a little bit of paying it forward w/creativity. Those three participants, once they agree to play, will post the same thing on THEIR blogs or FB pages or wherever, and do the same thing. So the creative gifts should multiply in a very short time, but you won't be inundated with gifts. You will only get one, from me. Does it make sense now?

  3. I'd love to participate in the creative challenge. Structure and deadlines often serve me well creatively. :) Looking forward to it!

  4. Count me in!!!!!!!! Not sure when I'll find the time..but I will!!!

  5. That's so cool! Can't wait to see what you make (and get!) I should do it but I'm going to watch this time! Don't want to drop the ball.

  6. So, if Mr. R isn't in, I'll take that third spot! I'm with Mary, I need a reason to create my own art and then I do well with it. Otherwise, it's kid art all day, every day!

  7. Ack! I wish I had seen this sooner because I would love to participate! If you know of anyone else doing it, please steer me their way so that I can jump on the bandwagon and get the creative gift giving on, too :) Can't wait to see what you give and get!

    1. Dru...I'm doing it too. So you can pop over to Art With Mr. E and "sign up".


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