
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Look at these goodies I received!

Remember my post about my Gesso Woes? I told you in subsequent posts about being contacted by a rep from Liquitex, apologizing for the problem and informing me they would be sending me some free replacement gesso. I also told you about meeting the rep at the NAEA convention vendor area, and even posted a photo of us together.

Well Friday a package arrived in my classroom, and the photo above shows what was in it!!!! Not one, but two bottles of gesso! I opened one up and tried it out and it is PERFECT. No rubbery lump this time, but rather a perfect consistency gesso with excellent coverage.

And if that wasn't enough, the package also included a sample set of colors of their new acrylic ink, which I tried out at the conference and loved. The inks, including metallics, are fabulous, and I think I am going to be very stingy and use these 6 little bottles of brilliantly colored ink myself. Hooray for Liquitex, and THANK YOU for following through and caring about the satisfaction of your customers. I will definitely continue to use Liquitex products.


  1. I LOVE THAT INK!!!!! it's so much fun to experiment with.. your students/you will love it!


    1. Hee hee hee - I don't think it's going to get near my students' hands. It's not really enough to share with a zillion kids, so I'm considering it a gift to ME for all the phone calls and aggravation getting the gesso problems solved. A pre-retirement gift, so to speak.

  2. Good for you Phyl!!! Enjoy your little treasure.

  3. Good for you for bringing the issue to the attention of Liquitex AND good for them for following through and making up for all the inconvenience. Enjoy it all:)))

  4. Enjoy your goodies, Phyl! No one deserves it more than you for your perseverance in solving the problem and I'm sure Liquitex thanks you for discovering the problem.

  5. Liquitex is awesome.. I've never had problems with them. That is the gesso I usually order and wow you hit the jackpot with those 2 big jugs! Those inks are also pricey so yay! How did they know that you were writing about their gesso?

    1. I was surprised to hear that they regularly scan the internet for references to their products. Who knew!??

  6. Phyl, I'm so happy for you! I love liquitex and it is good to know that their company is so kind and really listens!! A few weeks ago I opened a jar of black gesso for my own personal use and it was all molded through! What is in gesso that makes it do that I wonder?! Anyway, I bought it at Blick and they let me exchange the moldy container for a good one. . .Although I do admit I had to use a bit of the moldy gesso on one panel and it still worked fine (just smelled like high heaven and I had to use gloves and do it outside for fear of mold spores).


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