
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Cairns, and some Adirondack beauty

Somebody has been building these wonderful cairns on rock outcroppings in my lake. How cool is that??!!! What a unique sculpture project! I can't imagine how difficult it was to pull it off. (There's a third one as well, but my photo of it is unfortunately not too good. My kayak was moving, the water was moving, and, well, the sun was going down fast as I tried to photograph. Oh well! Hopefully they'll still be there next time I take my kayak in that direction.)

Here's my 'boys' (son and hubby) out for the sunset canoe/kayak sojourn with me. Obviously, always the photographer, I'm in the kayak, and not in the photo.

Earlier in the day, poking through the marsh... waterlilies! (arghh - the first one is sideways)

And on a walk to the 'little beach' at sunset another night, here's what it was like:


And a couple of bonus photos, just for fun ;)


  1. What kind of pie did you make? It looks good! I took a similar photo of butterfly weed last month. I love the cairns. I think I want to build some!

    1. The pie was blueberry. I had just picked the berries earlier in the day. We were at our lakeside cabin, and I couldn't find a pie pan, so I made it in a cake pan. It was messy but delicious.


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