
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

What are you reading this summer?

I took my kayak out for a spin today, and nestled into a quiet corner of the lake with shallow water, tall grasses, and dragonflies flitting everywhere. A look to the dark quiet shore and my head was back in a book I just finished, State of Wonder by Ann Patchett. She is the author of one of my favorite books of all time, the lovely Bel Canto. If you haven't read Bel Canto, grab a copy!

State of Wonder was an odd book, and I'd love to find someone else who has read it to get an opinion. The story is about a woman who has been sent to the Amazon jungle to find a doctor who has been doing drug research on a tribe where the women eat the bark of a tree and remain fertile into their senior years. Strange premise, I know. Let me know what you think if you've read it! (In case you are wondering, it was the jungle-like atmosphere that made me think of the book when I was in my kayak today.)

Meanwhile, now I'm reading my book club's book choice, Mary: Mrs. A. Lincoln. The truth is, I was dreading reading this book. I'm not much for history. But this is a historical NOVEL, written in the voice of Mary Todd Lincoln, who has been committed to an insane asylum 10 years after the death of her husband the president. I'm finding it quite fascinating and well-written, and I'm glad I didn't try to opt out of reading it! Mrs. Lincoln is a compelling character, and her voice really comes to life in the novel.

On my night table I also have a book that my son gave to me, the nonfiction Moby Duck. I've started it and it is a pretty interesting book, but I have to finish the book club book first! Sorry I've got only dragonflies and no duck photos to go with this paragraph.

By the way, I saw a REALLY big turtle today too, but by the time I realized it wasn't a beach ball, it had seen me and gone plop under the water!


  1. Phyl, the Mary A. Lincoln book sounds interesting! I'm reading "The Daughter of Siena" my Marina Fiorato. I've read several of her books- my favorite was "The Botticelli Secret'. She writes Historical Fiction, many having to do with Art and Italian culture. Since I visited Italy last year it makes them so much more interesting to me. Happy Reading!

    1. Ren, I read a rather lightweight but fun magical little romantic book that took place mostly in Italy that is sort of about the artist Raphael. It's called The Sidewalk Artist and I thought it was a lot of fun. If you are into stuff about Italy and art, you should check it out!

  2. It's hard to keep my interest so I need books that are a little scary or thrilling for the summer! Just finished Hunger Games before school let out and want to read the sequeul before the end of the summer!!! Mostly I have books I'm reading for research for grad class. From the Beast to the Blonde is one. . . about the history of stories. But in my case the story would go from the Blonde to the Beast as you probably know why because you are my friend and FB friend:) All kidding aside, Iread your blog most!1!

    1. I read and enjoyed the Hunger Games too but haven't gotten around to the sequels. But I will... Did you see the movie?

  3. You can never have too many dragonfly photos! :)

  4. I read a ton of books all year! But I mostly read thriller/mysteries. Your books look much more rewarding and worthy to read. I am at the library all the time, I'm a book junky. I read so many I can't remember which ones I've read later. lol
    Right now I am set to read "Gone", my daughter said if I thought Hunger Games was good Gone is even better! I also have the newest Janet Evonovich "Wicked Business" waiting for me at the library. She is so fun to read. Her characters just crack me up.
    Then I need to finish "Dream Class" before school starts. It is how to have a dream class at school. So far it is an interesting book. But I lost interest when the end of school was coming. So I will finish it before the end of July.

  5. I read constantly, anything anyone loans me. I have to stay away from bookstores or I get in trouble.....:) I read a fictionalized story about Canadian artist, emily Carr, called the Forest Lover. Pretty good! Read a lot of smut with the Fifty Shades trilogy (I'm blushing....)And now I'm back to Michael Connelly and Harlen Coben who dunnits. I read a lot!


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