
Thursday, September 13, 2012

A day in the life of a retired art teacher

While you were teaching...

I spent 2 glorious days at our lakefront cottage.
The pics above are me, doing favorite things.

This morning I had a fabulous kayak sojourn. I spent a long time watching this beautiful great blue heron, and attempting to photograph spiderwebs. Not easy.

The waterlilies are gone from the marsh, but the lily pads are still there.

Later, on a walk, this guy posed for me on a tree.

But who is this, posing on these trees below?

Interesting plants in the woods...

What is the strange orange light coming through the window? A little creepy, no?


  1. Ahhhhhhhh. Looks ideal!!!! So glad to hear you are enjoying life.

  2. So..your blog is now a...."HA HA...LOOK WHAT I CAN DO WHILE YOU ARE WORKING!!!" :) hee hee Looks like an amazing time in an amazing place...yes..a little jealous!

    1. Sorry, mr. E! But I also do miss the kids and the frenetic activity of the art room. But not all the drama.

  3. Gorgeous photos! Glad your enjoying your retirement! :)

  4. I am so deliciously happy for you, Phyl! I was wondering how hot it must have been for you to be swimming! And I hope the strange light wasn't coming from YOUR cabin! Ha!


    1. Pat, it was summery hot - probably 80. The water was refreshing, but not too cold at all. Chilled right down at night though - fire in the fireplace.

    2. Oh, and our place look MUCH better than that one!

  5. Looks like a fun day! It was warm here too, but it cooled right down after supper.

  6. That first photo makes me insanely jealous, but you deserve it all! I hope this becomes somewhat of a series so I can enjoy your relaxing retirement vicariously through you!

  7. Phyl! I am presenting at my state's annual art teacher conference on... blogging! The session title is "Isolated No More: Blogging as an Alternative Community for Art
    Educators". I would love to interview you via email! If you're interested, please drop me a line at:

    Hope to hear from you! and thank you thank you thank you.

  8. looks like retirement is treating you well, phyl. :)

  9. Yeah okay, seriously jealous! I so wish I lived close to you so we could come for a visit!! Looks like you live in such a beautiful place! So happy for you Phyl! You totally deserve it!!

  10. Hey Phyl,

    I can't ever see myself going TOTALLY digital in the art room, but learning about the QR codes was fun! I don't own a smartphone either, but I think it will be fun for artshows to have some of the codes next to the student's artwork so people can click on them and hear the kids talk about their art. I will always be the one with my elbows "knee deep" in paint, clay, wheat paste etc. I am happy to learn something new every once in awhile and I could probably (maybe....) teach you how to make QR codes if you wanted to learn!


  11. Woah! What in the world is that fire orange plant? I am a flower enthusiast, but I have never seen a plant like this before. It looks like mini red pepper and corn kernels at the same time.


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