
Saturday, September 29, 2012

She's doing great!! and a little Pinterest

 This image above is just one of a selection of fabulous artwork created in my (former) art room by students under the tutelage of my replacement, and posted to her blog here!  This particular image is kindergarten work.  Please hop over to Cathy's blog and look at the rest of the wonderful work she has posted.  I'm so proud of her and the kids - it appears their school year is off to a super start!  I'm sure she'd love to know that you are taking a peek!

I spent some time this summer (quite a bit, actually) sitting at my picnic table in the sunshine, making jewelry.  
This one piece was made based on a project I found on Pinterest.  Let me say this: I will never NEVER NEVER attempt to make this again!  It was definitely more challenging than I expected.  It was  originally posted as a photo of a necklace (the original pin led back to a photo but no source that I could find beyond that, so I don't know if it was from a store, or what), and a blogger at A Bit of Sunshine posted 'knock-off' instructions how to make a close version of it.  You can go to her blog to see the both her knock-off and the original necklace, plus her step-by-step instructions.  I pinned both the original and the knock-off on my Pinterest bead and jewelry board, and then I set about making it myself.  I couldn't find the right findings for the ends, so I had to invent the spiral thingy that I used to hold the strings, and I used a different sized bead and it made the pattern go kaflooey.   It was a HUGE challenge and I nearly tossed the whole thing back into my bead vials when I couldn't' figure out how to end it without the proper findings.  And after all my work matching the patterns perfectly, my knots were not perfect and the pattern slid down and isn't as even as I would like anyhow.  But I wore it to Temple for Yom Kippur services, and I got several compliments, even one from a man, so I know my problems with it are not too obvious.  Still, I don't want to tell you how many hours it took.  WAY too many.  

I'll show you some of my other recent jewelry creations another time.  Most were a lot easier than this to make!


  1. That necklace is gorgeous! Glad you didn't give up.

  2. Wow!! You must have used THOUSANDS of seed beads!!!! I think it looks terrific, but I can see why it might end up being "one of a kind"!! I can just imagine how long it took to complete! This is the definition of perseverance!

  3. Gorgeous! It's just gorgeous! Nice work!

  4. Wow! That's ALOT of beads! It came out beautiful! You see the imperfections because you had a different vision in mind for it, we on the other hand only see the finished beauty. I like the varied edges in the stripes they remind me of a woven Ikat design.

  5. Remeber the Navajo weaving legend, Phyl? You always have to leave a mistake in your weaving so that you don't try to out do the Creator......It's beautiful, and you have WAY more patience than I do!


  6. Hey Phil,
    Don't know any other way to communicate with you. Can't seem to respond to comments on my own blog. Just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your support on my blog. This year has been rough with my contract cut to 80% and more work being loaded on. Going to try my hand at private lessons this year to make up some of the cash. Wondering how your new job is going?

  7. The necklace turned out amazing and was well worth the effort- something like that would sell for about $50 at Anthropologie!


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