
Friday, November 30, 2012

A perfect gift idea

Not that I'm biased or anything... but Sign Painters is an amazing book, newly published, and one of the two authors, Faythe Levine, is my talented and beautiful niece, daughter of one of my two big brothers.  The book currently is available through for $15.80, and having just received my copy yesterday, I want to highly recommend it.  The book has been receiving great press since its release: it even received two mentions this week in the NY Times!        In one of these mentions, it was included in an article about coffee-table book picks - WOW!  The photos in the book are particularly beautiful, and having done some sign painting myself many years ago, I am wowed by the talents of the sign painters who are the focus of this book.  By the way, Faythe's prior book, Handmade Nation, about the resurgence of DIY crafting, is also worth a look-see. 

Faythe's dad, my brother, is a name some of you might be familiar with.  Rick Levine is a well-known astrologer (yes, really) whose daily horoscopes and daily Planet Pulse podcasts are available at or  Perhaps you've come across his annual book while shopping at Barnes & Noble.  Your Astrology Guide 2013 is also available at amazon, and no, neither Rick nor Faythe asked me to or expect me to post here about their books.  I'm doing this because I am proud of their successes, and because this is a gift-giving season, and what makes a better gift than a book? 

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