
Friday, September 27, 2013

Texture! I've been busy!

Oh, I have so much to share, but this post is going to be about showing off, or sharing, or asking for opinions, or however you want to read it.  I've been busy in my new studio, working on one piece that sat, hated, on the easel for more than a year and was in desperate need of rejuvenation, and another, that came together within a few days because of a strange round piece of heavy cardboard, with a hole in the center, that I brought home with me when I cleaned out my classroom and retired. 

It just so happens that the regional arts council, of which I am a member, is hosting a juried show with the theme of texture and pattern.  When I saw the theme, I realized I just HAD to get my heavily textured pieces complete in time to enter.  As of today, they are both done and ready to bring tomorrow. 

But working here at home, I have nobody to give me honest critiques.  My hubby says "I like it!" or "I think it's great!"  - not exactly constructive criticism.  So I emailed photos to a couple of friends and decided what the heck, I'll enter the exhibit and either they get accepted or they don't.  I'll let you know.

The reason I'm so interested in critique is that they are a real departure from what I've done in the past, and part of me thinks perhaps they are just a glorious mess, particularly the second piece. So, drum-roll please... here they are... poorly photographed, but hopefully you'll get the idea.
"Marsh Dream - Texture Composition #1"  

One more view, to hopefully give you a better sense of the color.
 The media for the piece above is acrylic paint, assorted acrylic mediums, fabric and beads, on Masonite.  Due to the shimmery nature of some of the fabrics and paints used, it's hard to get a good photograph.. 
Here you can see how big it is.  I don't recall the measurements.
And the other piece:
"Woodland Fantasy - Texture Composition #2"
Um, this doesn't look like a kindergartner's thanksgiving turkey, does it?
 Close-up of the texture; another one at the top of the post


  1. I like the woodland fantasy one because it reminds me of a tree stump, I think there are a lot of different yarns in it? is that right? I feel like there is a lot of reds and purples especially in the tulle edging it. Can you incorporate more of the green textures to balance it out?

    1. Yes, lots of yarns. And there actually is some green tulle in the border that maybe isn't very visible. I can definitely consider adding more.

  2. I am in love with this new work. I think the more you sit with it and start to see the symbols emerging you will start to push those themes forward in your new work. I see definitely a lot feminine energy in these and I'm not sure what they are about but it's organic, earthy, feminine I think if you start to write down words it will be a springboard for your next piece. Go crazy with this each one will reveal something more about where this project is meant to go! Thanks for sharing

    1. Thank you! I feel more secure about the fist piece, I think, because I spent a lot of thoughtful time on it. The second one just HAPPENED and if I showed you the hot glue mess of the back that would prove it! But yeah, I think I've started 'something' and I already have somewhat of a plan for the next piece, which is going to trend toward the yellow and the feeling of warm sunlight (I hope!). The ladies at JoAnn's fabrics are going to get sick of me coming in and asking them to slice a few inches of about 4 million different fabrics, half of which leave a trail of sparkles on their counter. And I don't know what to do with all the leftover yarns!

  3. What fun!! I hope that both pieces get accepted. One thing, if you end up creating more of the Woodland Fantasy type art, you will have no problem using up your leftover yarns. I think it might be cool to create more of those using different shapes for the base. Good luck with the show.

    1. Christie, I actually love the idea of strange shaped canvases or surfaces. I was really excited to use that silly circle but am now second-guessing everything I did to get it done quickly.

  4. Just brought my pieces down to the show and am feeling somewhat deflated. Among the other entries that I saw, there were so many spectacular and exuberant pieces. My round piece, in particular, looked so 'small' and dull in comparison. Sigh.. I'll know by Monday.

  5. Postscript: My pieces weren't accepted in the show, and at first I was feeling pretty defeated. But when I went to pick them up today, I discovered that the pieces I liked the best were also not selected, and that of the 5 local teachers I know who entered, only one had a piece accepted. Evidently they had about 275 entries and only could accept ab out 80. Oh well...


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