
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Shameless Self-Promotion!!

Hey, friends, I swore I'd never do this, but, I guess we all have the right to change our minds now and again, right?  The Art of Education is taking nominations for the Art Ed Blogger of the Year, and I'm looking for your support.  I'd like to at least make it into the Top 10 this year, for the first time.  I feel like it is my turn!

Since I started blogging over 3-1/2 years ago, I've written 587 posts, amassed 971 followers, introduced crazy projects like relief carving in Sheetrock and imitation batik with toothpaste and hand cream, and explained the ins-and-outs of making papier-mâché easy-peasy.  I've shared my own photos of student artwork, of the beautiful region where I live, of my crazy personal projects, and occasionally my family.  I've talked about workshops I've taught, and conferences I've attended.  I've initiated interesting conversations on a variety of topics, from the merits of cursive writing to doodling vs Zentangles and much much more.  As of this writing, I've had 810,923 page views!!!

My current goal is to reach the 1000 follower mark, and receiving this recognition would surely help.  I am a retired teacher, as of 1-1/2 years ago, but that hasn't diminished my involvement in the global community of art educators.  Will you give me your support?  

Make your nominations at  You will need to include a link to this blog, and the reason for your nomination. 

Uh oh.  Just discovered the nominations were due by Jan 31, which here on the east coast ended 41 minutes ago.  Maybe it's still worth a try?   Anyhow, here's a cartoon for your viewing pleasure:

Or maybe I'll receive an award like this when hell freezes over.  Here's one of my frozen bedroom windows.


  1. You know I love you and your blog!! ... but I missed the deadline! I cannot believe January is GONE! Heading over to nominate you just the same! Good luck!

  2. Just nominated you! Here's what I wrote: I LOVE Phyl's blog over here:
    I enjoy reading her blog because of the expertise she provides. I also love her thoughts on children and creating: They NEED to get their hands messy! Her thoughts on more mess and less technology may not be popular with everyone but it really resonates with me and makes me feel good about my own art teaching philosophy. I've been empowered by her words and lessons!

    1. Cassie: to put it bluntly, I adore you! And by the way, I was one of MANY who nominated YOU this year.

      I especially am flattered by the words you chose in your nomination. I feel it is our responsibility as art educators to give our students ample manipulative and tactile experience. While I do love the stuff you can do with the latest technology, our kids are exposed to it EVERYWHERE and it doesn't hurt to have a place and time where they still have to learn to use their hands and respond physically to the materials. (Which is why, when you ask kids what their favorite subjects are, right alongside art they always list gym class. Their bodies crave the experience!)

    2. Agreed!! And it worried me for a long time that I just didn't "get" why people were so big on including technology. I thought something was wrong with ME and that I was doing some sort of disservice to the children....but it was a post you shared I think this summer that really spoke to me and make me want to stand up and say: Yes!! Let's get their hands dirty! Let's allow them to play! In fact, I was just out to dinner this evening and every child at the table beside ours had some gadget or another. They are exposed to it all the TIME. Let's give them something that's REALLY new to them -- art!! Love ya!

    3. Yes, Cassie. That was a post about a workshop I taught at my state conference, titled 'Say YES to the Mess!' For any readers who are interested, you can find that post here:

  3. Love following you Phyl. I had so many problems trying to post likes on the site. I'm so glad I found you and Cassie too! Your enthusiasm is contagious . Stay warm.

    1. Thanks Beth! Hey, it's supposed to get into the balmy 30's here today!

      By the way, I was challenged by posting at the site too; ended up posting as a 'guest', whatever that means.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you! By the way, you have a lovely name, Veronique!

  5. You definitely deserve to be in the top 10! I'll vote for you when the voting starts! I didn't nominate you because you only need to be nominated once I think and someone already listed you when I checked.

    1. Thanks, Marcia! It looked like a number of blogs had been nominated multiple times, so my assumption was that the ones picked for final voting would be those that received the most nominations. But really, I have no idea, so you might very well be right! I guess we'll know when the voting begins!

  6. hey lady:) i think as long as someone nominated you, that's all it takes for your fantastic blog to be considered by the committee. i love that you're still rockin the art room even when you "retired".

  7. Phyl,

    Hmmm... I don't see a way to contact you on this site so I guess I'll just comment!

    Wanted to pass along an interesting site art teachers might find of interest with President's Day coming up. It's a really neat idea.


    1. Hey folks, I checked this comment out, thinking perhaps it was spam, but it actually is kind of a fun interesting link!

  8. You've been robbed! You have my vote everyday!

    1. Thank you. I just saw the final list for voting and I must say, my feelings are a bit hurt not to be included. I know a lot of those wonderful bloggers and cannot for the life of me figure out what they offer that I don't. I certainly don't begrudge them the recognition, and I will vote for my faves, but yet again, I feel like I've been left sitting at the weird kid table at lunch, with no date for the prom. But I know my readers care, so thank you!


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