
Friday, October 10, 2014

The comment surprise!

It used to be common to find lots of comments on my blog (or on other blogs), especially in the days after a new post was written.  Nowadays, not so much.  I can look at my blog stats and know that I still have plenty of visitors, but many people no longer take the time to leave a comment.    I think there's a few reasons.
First, many people (but not me) do their blog reading on their phones.  Leaving a comment = a pain in the neck.
Second, there's the fact that people seem to like things to happen instantly.  Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, whatever you use - these things are so much more instant than taking the time to read through a sometimes long blog post, and then write a thoughtful response, and finally to copy the 'captcha' letters/numbers in order to post your comment.  Too much effort?
Sometimes the visitors to a blog have just hopped there by way of a Pinterest pin and do not even read the post.
But sometimes, a blog comment can really pay off.   Perhaps you'll get involved in an interesting discussion.  Perhaps you'll learn something new.  Perhaps you'll get a new idea.  Or, perhaps... just perhaps... you'll win a prize.  That's what happened to me recently!
Ironically, when I left a comment back in September on Art Room Blog, it was because I had something to say.  I knew there was a contest, but honestly, I think I would have left the comment anyhow, because, well, that's just me.  But last week the blogger contacted me and told me I had won a prize.  You can see in the photo above exactly what I won!!!  This blog hosts a contest EVERY MONTH.  That means if you leave a comment on the contest, the odds of winning sooner or later are pretty good.  This month she's giving away a set of awesome-looking pan pastels.  But you have to actually SAY something in your comment.  Each month she asks a question. - This month's question asks "What is your focus when writing lesson plans?"  (Follow the link; she goes into more detail than that in her question.) 

Meanwhile, maybe you are wondering what I'm going to do with my $50 gift card to Jerry's Artarama?  Well, it's already been spent, and I'm beyond excited waiting for the day my package shows up.  Because I decided to make an investment in something that will be useful to me for a LONG time.  
I added a little of my own money to the gift card, and have ordered this 18" paper cutter!! Hallelujah!  

I have always liked big paper - but sometimes I do need to cut it (for example, cutting 18"x24" paper into an 18" squares, or cutting strips for a project, or whatever).  Since I retired two years ago, having access to the paper cutter is the thing I have missed most (besides the kids).  Sometimes, when I need to cut a lot of paper for a workshop I'm teaching, or my private students, I have driven the 30 miles to my old classroom to 'borrow' the cutter for an hour.  But obviously, this is a distraction to the teacher in the classroom, and it makes a simple project into a whole day effort.  Putting the stuff I want to cut into the car, driving the 30 miles, lugging the giant paper through a crowded parking lot, down hallways and up stairs, trying to find a place to work in a busy crowded classroom, and then repeating the whole process in reverse.  UGH.  Sometimes, I have tried cutting the paper using a sewing tool, my rotary cutter (the singularly most dangerous piece of equipment that I own).  But the paper always slips, and I end up wasting more than I cut, plus I am waiting for the day that this evil tool decides to slice off the top of one of my fingers and I have to rush to the ER cradling the missing part of my finger.  It terrifies me.

So the package has shipped, and in a few days, on my doorstep, I will have my VERY OWN 18" paper cutter!  I want to give a huge THANK YOU to Mrs. Darter at Art Room Blog.  And while I don't want to appear greedy, I'm sure you will see me writing more comments in the future! 

I'm sure that some of you readers have stuck with me to the end of this post hoping that I am offering a prize drawing too, but... not this time.  But stick with me, readers, because I've done it before and it will certainly happen again!  Until then, happy commenting! 


  1. I can SOOOOO identify with your connection to having a paper cutter. I can remember back to my first few years of teaching when I did not have one in my classroom and had to use the cutter in the workroom. At the very first opportunity I acquired a good paper cutter to keep in may room and was never without one after that. I have the hardest time understanding how regular classroom teachers in our building get along without a paper cutter in their rooms (especially primary classes). As long as I am volunteering at school I still have access to one there, but when I finally bow out some day I guess I will have to keep enough contacts there that I'll be able to "borrow" theirs to use. I KNOW YOU WILL ENJOY YOUR NEW TOY!!!!!

  2. I have one of those, I guard it with my life! Others have those cutters which have the hand held blade on rails which always jumps off the rails if you do more sheets than it likes! useless thing! so good for you! enjoy!!! xxx

    1. Nobody else will be using it but me, so it should stay in decent condition, I hope...

  3. Well, no one comments on my blog either - and they wont even press the 'follow that blog' button even though I know it's the same people who read it week in and week out - I know at least 60 people read it each week from the stats - but comments - not a one apart from spam - and I don't even have a Captcha number - I'm beginning to feel like the fat girl in the class that no one talks to :( - Enjoy your paper cutter - love your blog, BTW

    1. Thanks (about the blog) - I've got to admit, I just tried to access your blog but only was able to find what looks like a website with jewelry sales. I couldn't find anything that looked like a blog post. The jewelry is beautiful, but if there's a traditional blog format there somewhere, how do I get to it?

  4. Here I thought it was JUST ME! I know my blog is getting traffic, but comments are very few and very far between. Thanks for calling out the issue - glad I'm not alone :-)
    ~Amy @

  5. The "comment surprise" I get is when people comment on posts from two years ago, because they just found it on Pinterest! I have some posts from over a year ago, where I shared a worksheet I created, and offered to email a printable copy to anyone who commented with their email address. I got about 20 comments then, but some of those posts have recently blown up on Pinterest, and now I have people who don't read my blog asking for my worksheets! I had less than 100 readers when I offered to email copies, but now some pins from my blog have hit 2,000+ re-pins! No more emails are going out at this point :).

    1. Yeah, I agree, it's weird when suddenly an old post gets a lot of interest. But no, I don't blame you for not sending any more email copies!!!

  6. thanks for the blog shout out! And I have the very same cutting board and I love it!

    1. Wow, looks like it's popular paper cutter!!

  7. Nowadays, not so much. I can look at my blog stats and know that I still have plenty of visitors, but many people no longer take the time to leave a comment. sicurezza sul lavoro viterbo

    1. If you want people to leave a comment, you need to offer a legit blog address. All I found by following your link was some sort of marketing sales, and not only am I not interested, I'm offended that you are using my blog to get people to visit it, thinking they were going to visit a blog. Readers, do not follow the link above.

  8. Good Luck Phyl, for your reward given by the blogger. Lucky enough! All the best and thanks for your efforts in providing the information on your post, keep sharing the moments with us.


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