
Monday, January 2, 2012

Feelin' fat, fat, FAT

(This pic could be me after this vacation.)

Home alone tonight. Hubby drove son back to his home in Boston today and will spend the night and return home tomorrow. I couldn't go, because school starts tomorrow, so it's yet another time I'm not getting to see the apartment where my son lives, or the Koo Koo Cafe where he currently works, or meet the roommates I don't know. It was nice having him home. He killed me at Bananagrams last night, but I'll get him back next time....

On the flip side, it's just me and the cat home alone tonight, and she (cat) has been napping for hours. I don't have to feed anybody but kitty and me, and I don't have to worry about anyone laughing at me when I watch the season premiere of The Bachelor. So I'm OK that I didn't spend 4 or 5 hours in the car worrying about traffic.

So about the fat. It's time to stop eating, after a food-filled vacation, between the Christmas eve lobsters, the New Year's dinner out, the concert refreshments, and feeding my skinny son for a few days. I sent the leftover pie to Boston with the boys, and made muffins for their drive and didn't save any for me at home. I don't need to weigh myself, because I just KNOW, by the way clothes feel. I'm back to the gym, and eating healthy, and hopefully there won't be any more cupcakes at school for a while. My goal is that by the time June rolls around, I'll be able to wear my little red dress for my retirement dinner, and instead of being fat, fat, FAT, I'll be hot, hot HOT!!!

(OK, so THESE aren't MY red dresses, but they're cute anyhow, aren't they?)

Happy New Year, everyone, and let's make it a healthy happy one!


  1. I believe I uttered those same 3 words just a few days ago. How, I ask, can someone gain 6 POUNDS in just one week?!!! Well, I put on the brakes, put away the candy, etc. and got serious about NOT EATING. On my way back down -- 2 more pounds to go. It never used to be like this, what a pain!!!
    Cute idea to have a red dress for the big day (wish I'd thought of that)!!

  2. Ironically, I wanted to wear the red dress last May for son's college graduation, but it is sleeveless and the weather for cold and rainy and the ceremony largely outdoor, so I wore a long-sleeve dress, tights, and a blazer, all with a raincoat over it. But June should be better than May, and hopefully I'll fit into it by then.

  3. Hey Phyl...better to feel fat fat fat...then be fat fat fat! :) My church is doing a 21 day fast...and though I'm not doing it to lose is a nice bonus!! ha ha I'm doing the Daniel's Fast..which is pretty much being a veggie. No meat, dairy, bread, sugar.....lost around 20 some pounds last year doin' it(but gained it weight!!)Anyways...we go back tomorrow!!!! Kids come back Wed.

  4. I hear ya. I just made a salad with kale tomorrow. I've never done that in my life. That's how much I mean business!

  5. Yeah, with the 'baby' being ready to turn 23, the 'baby weight' excuse has kind of run its course for me.

    I just feel like if my son-in-law could lose well over 100 pounds on Biggest Loser, I should be able to lose 10 or 15. But I'm such a teeny person to begin with, it's a real challenge, because I shouldn't eat much at all. And I get hungry and make excuses. But there really is no excuse.

  6. Ooh Sydney, hello. I LOVE kale. REALLY. Problem is I also love chocolate. And fried stuff. And cheese.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. not fat... Phat like all the kool kidz wood say write... hahahha lol...

  9. No, Mr. R, I don't feel phat. I really feel FAT!!!! (or at least chubby).

  10. ugh. I hear you on the weight thing. I had already gained about 10 pounds since last school year and then the holidays put on another 5. Gaining weight is so easy for me. Anyways, I love watching the Bachelor too, such a guilty pleasure. You know it's bad, but you can't stop watching!

  11. Alright all of you healthy and trim wannabes! I have to be the voice of reason here cuz life is too short to eat dessert last! Ha! I went to the store today and bought chocolate covered donuts, gummy bears AND tortilla chips! I feel no guilt and I hope you all reach your comfort weight-I'm still working on it!MMMmmm........Chocolate!


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