
Monday, January 2, 2012

More blogs to read!

I have a number of blogs that I read regularly and that feel like old friends, but I'm not going to name them here tonight, because this post is about newer blogs. There's always room to find new friends while maintaining friendships you have, so I like to check out blogs I haven't seen before.

So here's some new blogs I've recently added to my blogroll, that I'm really enjoying. Each has a really fun spirit and cheeky attitude as well as some great ideas. Most are decades younger than me, but that's OK!

Check them out:

Ms. Kristen-Crayon Can (this one I just discovered yesterday!)
Painting with Brains (a high school teacher, but I still find a lot in common!)
Princess Artypants (this blogger is in Saudi Arabia!)
Amy's Artsy Adventures (another young teacher in a K-12 art program)
Chucks, crayons, and a little creativity (have I shown you this one before?)
Sharpiewoman (finally someone on this list a little closer to my age! I think we both have a bit of Peter Pan in us.)

Happy Reading!!!


  1. Thanks for passing these along Phyl. I have enjoyed Princess Artypants and she has helped inspire a couple of lessons. And I just ADORE Pat of Sharpiewoman and all the experience she brings (just as you do). I look forward to getting familiar with these (new to me) blogs as well. Thanks again!

  2. Aw Phyl, you made me blush! Thanks for the mention and I too love, love, love Amy's Artsy blog, Princess Artypants and Painting with Brains(love her!). I go back to school on Thursday and I am so excited to start a whole bunch of new projects I have discovered on the blogs over vacation. After looking at all of you Rizzi projects I think I'm ready to introduce him to my 2,3 and 4's! Thanks again!

  3. Thanks for the shout-out Phyl! Always appreciated. Can't wait to check out some of the other blogs you listed!!

  4. thanks so much Phyl and other blogging art chicas! been very lazy with blogging over the break (we had a Saudi Staycation) but will be back at it very soon. Looking forward to checking out some other the other new bloggers out there-- Happy New Year!


  5. Awesome.. thanks for sharing. I love seeing what other art educators are doing throughout our world.. very cool!

  6. Thanks for the reminder, Phyl! I had been on all of those blogs before and thought I was following them. But, somehow I wasn't! Problem fixed now. :)

  7. Thanks for the mention, Phyl! My followers have more than doubled since you gave me this shout-out. Cheers!

  8. I'm glad, Kristen! It's kind of weird posting stuff to a blog and not knowing if anyone is out there reading what you have to say. It makes it a little more worthwhile when you know someone is paying attention to your efforts. Happy Blogging!

  9. I've just been wanting to mention this to you. I am fascinated with my blog's statistics. I love looking at what posts people are looking at and from where they came. On my Snippety Gibbet blog, the all time biggest source of a link is from HERE! Your blog. Wild. You're a bigger lead in than Google and Pinterest. LOL. Thanks!

  10. Agreed! Thank you for the shout out. I am amazed by all the traffic to my blog lately and owe it to you Phyl. I am really looking forward to finishing up lessons and posting soon. Thank you!


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