Saturday, February 19, 2011

Book Winners! Ta Da !!!!

(I like to have a photo to go with my posts, and I couldn't easily locate a congratulatory type photo, so instead here's Sparkle, Lucy's "baby", emerging from her dragon-egg.)

Well, hubby just drew the names from a bucket, and we have two fine winners! The winner of the Keith Haring - I wish I didn't have to sleep book is Mrs. Picasso, at and the winner of the Blue Day Book is Kathy at They both have terrific blogs to read, too!

Congratulations, ladies!!


  1. Thank you so very much!! I LOVE Haring's work, so this book will be a great addition to the library. :)

  2. Thank you so much for the Blue Day Book. I am so looking forward to reading it and planning a lesson from it too! I'm so happy!!!

  3. Kathy, I'm especially happy your name was picked because I just realized you are in Wisconsin, and I've been following the union-busting going on in your state. What an awful mess! I spent a long time as my local union president, and also in other leadership roles, and I know how important unions are for the teaching profession. So I definitely worry for the state of education in your state and I wonder whether the trend will be picked up in other parts of the country.


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