This comic, from today's Sunday paper, seemed just perfect! First, there's the winter eather so many of us have been dealing with.
And then there's the fact that I'm in papier-mache world in the art room these days (though we're not making monster masks right now - but maybe later this year...)
And then, there's thing that has had me all a-twitter all week - a comment left on my post "Messy Art Room Alert". The comment was from Dan the Monster Man, a 6th grade teacher and papier-mache artist living in Seattle who makes the most amazing monsters and especially (my personal fave of course) dragons! In case you can't tell, I'm smitten with his work.
In the mid 1980's, I bought a book he wrote called "The Simple Screamer", which is now out of print. I don't recall where and how I happened upon this book, but I was sold from the get-go. I love the dry sense of humor that is evident throughout the writing and photos, and also the fact that, like in my house, there's always a cat in there somewhere, sitting on or destroying the stuff you are trying to use. Anyhow, some middle school students and I followed his instructions and made our own "screamer" (I'll have to find and scan a photo to show you, since one of the kids kept it. I know I have photos, but hey, it was 1986 or '87 when we made our screamer so the pics are pre-digital and are in a box or album somewhere - you understand I'm sure!).
Anyhow, here's Dan's website (Dan, I hope you don't mind that I'm writing/posting this, but I figure if you have a website and a blog you want people to read it, right?) - anyhow here it is - http://www.gourmetpapermache.com/. Through the website you can find his blog and lots more, plus you can find his newer books on making monsters and dragons and such that are very much in print and available, unlike the book I have.
Take a trip to his website/blog/etc and check him out - I guarantee you'll love what you see!
I can't believe this was in the paper! So appropriate!
ReplyDeletePerfect comic!!
ReplyDeleteIt's a shame Dan doesn't live closer to you so you could visit his studio. I can't believe all the dragons!! I just spent a half an hour going from link to link on his website(s). What a great resource. I have never used clothes hangers for drying the way he does. Also the metal bracing between layers is a great idea. I remember seeing his comment on your post, but I didn't think to follow it up and go to his site. Thanks for the tip. Even the cats made me smile!!!
That is an awesome book! My Art Ed professor had a copy that we used when we made our paper mache creatures. It's the process I used to make "Big Foot" that lives outside my classroom door. I tried to find a copy of it online but they were all really expensive since it's out of print now.
ReplyDeleteIt is an awesome book. Katie, what a cool thing that you did that with an Art Ed professor. We never did anything like that. Anyhow, I think his newer books probably have all that was in the Simple Screamer and more.