Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Advice please?

I've said this before. I'm a great computer USER, but I'm extremely technologically ignorant. That goes for internet stuff too. I'm a dinosaur.

Anyhow, here's the reason I'd like advice. In the past week or two, I've been receiving a lot of emails that say this: "I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn." Then the email asks me to confirm that I know the person making the request.

Sometimes the invites are 'from' a fellow blogger/friend (maybe YOU who are reading this), and most others have been from acquaintances from NYSATA, my state art teachers association. These are not necessarily people that I know well, but I do know who they all are.

So I want to know, first of all, what exactly is LinkedIn? And what advantage is it for me to respond yes? And does the person the invite is coming from know that they are sending it? Or is it done automatically from some list serve somewhere (such as NYSATA members, or workshop presenters, etc)?

As I said, you are probably more savvy about this stuff than me. I'm pretty clueless. I figured out how to use blogger and I'm quite happy, but then this other stuff comes along and I don't know what it all means. So please, be honest with the advice, but don't use any big techno-words because little old art teacher me won't have a clue what you're talking about!

Thanks, friends!


  1. I don't know what it is either, Phyl, but now I feel sad and left out because nobody has invited me to "link-in".
    I'm linked-out.
    I shall check back in two minutes because I know someone will clear up this mystery.

  2. Sorry, Can't help you. I have been invited to link-in too, but I, like you, have no idea what it is. Hope someone out there knows.

  3. Same here. I am not sure of the value. I'm on Facebook and enjoy the networking there, but am not all the on fire about paying for a networked connection. jan

  4. I think it's good for professional networking. I am not on it because everyone I know is on facebook. I think you put your resume on it too. A former teacher at my school got recruited by a textbook company and ended up moving across the country for a good job in the company. That being said, I'm not really looking to be recruited right now.

  5. I got one too but declined because I don't know what it is either.

  6. Well, I don't have an answer, but I feel so much better knowing that all of you fine ladies aren't any more in the loop than I am! We're all Linked Out!!

  7. It's a professional networking site. In my opinion you should know the people you're linked to so you can seriously promote each other if needed. I'm on it but I haven't tapped into the potential but networking with other art teachers couldn't be a bad idea! I run a gardening business in the summer months so I'm listed as a business owner and a teacher. I use it like a posted resume with pics.

  8. Hello--I have LinkedIn because I am still starting out in my career and looking to network to see what/who's out there. A friend of mine got hooked up with a head-hunter for a new business/management position through it. I haven't really heard of any teachers getting any jobs through it, but I'm just "putting all of my feelers out there." I honestly don't think you're missing out on anything.

  9. Hi Phyl. I'm starting to get invited to LinkedIn also. I responded when the editor to School Arts invited me to become a part of her network. That got my attention. As with all things we'll catch on eventually.

  10. Yes, Janis, I got an invite from her too. That's why I think it is all automated from some list-serve. I think I'm just going to delete them all (the invites) since I don't see myself having any real need for getting involved.


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